Also, so much of this resonates with me so hard, as a former journalist and now songwriter, still telling stories, still seeking truth.

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Mar 7Liked by Some Guy

@some guy being born on April fools day (along with my nephew!) is the least surprising thing I can imagine about you.

My sword story. My father was an officer in the Navy and was entitled to/purchased a sword. I would frequently steal it and practice for when I had to journey to some world of the fairies to protect humankind/cause some high lord to fall desperately in love with me.

Didn't work out, but my dad did wear his dress uniform and sword to the synagogue for my wedding. I still joke about how it was one of the few times a bunch of Christians came armed to a synagogue and it worked out just fine

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Mar 6Liked by Some Guy

1. When I was 4 my adult neighbor Carl snapped by toy King Arthur sword across his knee for hitting him with it. He also made me drink V8 for the first time. He also was a Y2K guy and to my knowledge has found kinship with people in rural Idaho.

2. On the mind control front, I can’t believe we call the people who produce arms and munitions “The Defense Industry”. I believe this has collectively warped our image of ourselves and our foreign policy.

3. I’m buying what you’re selling, take note @substack execs

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I’m a new sub, and after reading this post, I’m even more convinced I made a good decision. Also, your title (specifically the phrase, “William of Rights”) made me guffaw. It’s been a very long, busy, adulting kind of day: thanks I needed that👍🏾

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I'd vote for you for King of America. I know you don't vote for kings, but I'll find a way.

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