This is smart and interesting - not Orwellian at all!

Now, if someone could cook up a similar vision of cost containment for higher ed, I'd be tickled pink. Actually, I think a small group of faculty could do a pretty good job of that if the administrators and politicians would get out of the way. You'd need a very broad alliance to stop the arms race to provide student amenities, and the issue of viewpoint diversity wouldn't be addressed; but there are other ways to address that, such as rich conservatives founding institutes and even whole universities.

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I think once you had a really good, established truth finding mechanism in place that a lot of problems become easier to solve because it’s harder to hide things like the cost of admin jobs being passed on to students. Once that’s just a fact that people know and can’t refute and it can follow people everywhere if they try to elide or hide from it political will springs into existence that wasn’t there before.

The way this would all work on the politics side would also be helpful. Should write that out, but this is one piece of a larger roadmap.

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This makes so much sense it will quickly be squelched. But I like it.

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Let’s hope I don’t get taken out by the CIA. If I do, take up my mantle.

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Based on a careful study of Hillary, I suggest you avoid all park benches, too. Fingers crossed.

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See, if we had the Internet News Index I would know how likely it is she actually killed those people.

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