Discord chat?

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Sep 21·edited Sep 21

Personally I think you're making a mistake to downplay your best writing as just freebie chuckles. It's true, that's your writing people will most likely pay you for. But think what that means. It's your voice, not your ideas that matter; it's the only part of you that most people will care about. Maybe keep some of the good stuff free to maintain your audience..

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Goddess Speed on your endeavors!

An aside, on lunar matters - I used to joke to myself that my grandkids would take me to the moon for mother's day brunch. I have grandkids now, but I don't think there will be restaurants there in the next few decades... Anyhow, I realize I am too chicken to zoom that high! Maybe your grandkids will take you!

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Ack, I don't have time to finish reading this, just here, take my money!

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